From a triptych "Night". "Night was full of love". (the left part) |
From a triptych "Night". "Night was full of love". (the central part) |
From a triptych "Night". "Night was full of love". (the right part) |
"I'm a part of the Earth, I'm a part of the Universe". 1993. 100,0 * 80,0 № 1760 (canvas / distemper) |
"The woman under an impulse of a wind". 1987. 90,0 * 70,0 № 3090 (canvas /oil, distemper) |
"Going Еvа". 1989. 100,0 * 80,0 № 2097 (oil on canvas) |
"The youth and an old age". 1989. 87,0 * 89,0 № 1756 (canvas / distemper, |
"In Love". 1982. 38,2 * 38,2 № 4044 (oil on canvas) |
"Meeting Adam and Eva". 1982. 42,0 * 42,0 № 4041 (oil on canvas) |
The name is specified. 59. 19.. . .. * .. (oil on canvas) |
"Dropping an apple". 1999. 50,0 * 40,0 № 4058 (oil on canvas) |
Paintings. Sheet 3. |